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Re: Big Brother is watching

Subject: Re: Big Brother is watching
From: "Larry Steckel" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 21:11:23 -0400
The VW diff defect went back much earlier than 1995-1999.  The diff in my 
1987 16Valve GTI ate its bearings and blew up twice.

Larry Steckel

>From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
>Reply-To: "Arthur Emerson" <>
>Subject: Re: Big Brother is watching
>Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 16:23:20
>"Rocky Entriken" <> wrote:
> >
> >Here's a new one to me -- is this just urban legend or is it
> >really happening?
>VW and Nissan have been known to send district service managers
>to drag strips in New Jersey, taking pictures and documenting
>every car that's competing.  I've heard about one person
>in for a grenaded VW differential (design defect on 1995-1999
>VW's) being shown a picture of their car on the strip as their
>warranty request was denied.
>An even better one was the guy who blew his tranny at
>the strip, called VW Roadside Assistance to have his car
>towed home, and then called his dealer the next day and
>said that his tranny exploded in his driveway when his wife
>was backing out.  They presented him with the Roadside Assistance
>records when they refused to fix his car.
>I guess that the answer is "yes" to your question, Rocky.....
>-Arthur ("Ask me about my $375 motor mounts from Oscoda" edition.)


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