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Re: How to rotate slicks?

To: "Madurski, Ronald M." <>,
Subject: Re: How to rotate slicks?
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 16:16:37 -0500
The usual fix is just to flip the tires on the rims.

We tend to run weird camber/caster/toe settings (weird compared to street
settings) which causes uneven tire wear.

Also, you tend to wear the insides just because of hard cornerning.

Rotating does little since you still have the weird settings and hard
cornering. Just dismount and remount the tires so the inside is now the


-----Original Message-----
From: Madurski, Ronald M. <>
<>; <>
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 2:09 PM
Subject: How to rotate slicks?

>I need to rotate my slicks.  They are wearing unevenly and I don't want to
>cord the insides too soon.
>The car is an 88 Red Devil F440.  I have about -3deg camber in front, the
>rear axle is solid.  Both the front and rear are wearing the insides of the
>tires more than the outside.  The fronts are wearing because of the
>camber and braking.  The rears are wearing (I think) because of the way the
>tires get dragged around a turn due to the solid rear axle.
>Anyway, what I'm thinking about doing is moving the rears to the front
>putting the more worn side out and reducing the camber a deg or so until
>wear evens out a little.  Moving the fronts to the rear with the worn side
>out and get ready for some oversteer problems for a little while.
>The car has been handling and working extremely well with the current
>I've been slowly moving the brake bias to the rear to slow down the wear on
>the fronts.  That seems to help a bit.
>Anyone have any other suggestions?  Besides buying new tires :-)
>Ronald M. Madurski
>SAIC/FBI Senior Systems Administrator
>"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful
>servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has
>the gift."
>- - Albert Einstein.

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