On Tue, 29 May 2001, Linnhoff, Eric wrote:
> Sorry, I could've sworn that I saw a 1991 cutoff in last year's rule book.
> But then again, I swear far too much. ;^)
> Okay then, may I ask if there's any _good_ reason for not making this
> allowance (obviously made for older cars with older technology brake lines
> which is a serious safety concern) move up a year each year?
Yes, a good reason would be the goal of having Stock class cars with as
few aftermarket modifications as possible. If you're telling me that
*new* stock brake lines for a 1991 car are significantly less safe than
for a 2001 car, I guess I'd say prove it. Likewise if you say that those
brake lines are significantly more expensive than braided ones.
This is another of those silly grandfathered allowances that should simply
be done away with.
(had '89 Corvette with SS lines)