Linnhoff, Eric wrote:
> Okay then, may I ask if there's any _good_ reason for not
making this
> allowance
Yes. It's not stock. This change occurred during the same rules
revision in which engine balancing, .040" overbores, and port
matching were disallowed in Stock. Earlier cars were
grandfathered in for a few years, then the mods became illegal on
any car. With the exception of the braided brake hoses.
> (obviously made for older cars with older technology brake
No. Braided brake lines are not "newer technology," nor are they
uniformly superior - certainly not in a safety sense - to OEM
parts. The reason they're used in competition is that they
improve braking feel, which is a definite competitive advantage.
> which is a serious safety concern)
No, it's not. If you maintain your car's brakes as called for by
the manufacturer, it'll be perfectly safe on the road as well as
on an autocross course. Fresh flex hoses of the same type as
original are at least as safe as braided steel hoses. Braided SS
has the serious _safety_ disadvantage of making it impossible to
determine the condition of the underlying Teflon - which is what
keeps the brake fluid inside.