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Forget "Speed Creep" how 'bout JEALOUSY!

To: <>
Subject: Forget "Speed Creep" how 'bout JEALOUSY!
From: "JD Kemp" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 10:29:37 -0400
Hi Warren-

Saw your post the other day.  Don't worry about the whole "Speed Creep" thing.
. .  Foster just likes to stir the pot, and some folk just can't seem to make
themselves ignore him.  'Twas ever thus.

Now, about CARS and AUTOCROSS!  (That's more like it!)  You race an E Jag?
Too Cool!  I'm thoroughly jealous, Bro.  I'm sort of the resident "Brit Car
Nut" on Team.Net, along with Phil E and a few others.  (Phil:  Hope you don't
mind being called a "Nut"???)  My own lovely Tina, a '68 Series 1.5 E Type
Coupe is sitting in the garage outside, next to my daily driver and autocross
car, Lucretia, the '71 MGB.  I noticed a bit of a brake fluid leak on the left
front of the Jag a few weeks ago, took the caliper apart and wound up
rebuilding both front calipers, replacing pads, blowing out the lines,
cleaning the master cylinder reservoir and now I'm gonna start on the rear
brakes and the master cylinder.  (That seems to be how things go for me.  I
once started to replace the float in one SU on the MG and wound up with a
side-draft Weber on her.  That New Orleans style coffee has WAAAAAAAY too much
caffeine, obviously.)

So what's it like AX'ing in an E Type?  Did ya notice that NOBODY tried to
tell you that an E-Jag isn't a "sports car"?  Thank Gawd.  I love Kam like a
brother, but if he'd said that, I'd have to fly out to Vegas and spank him.  I
would think the bottom end response would be a bit weak on the 6cylinder, but
once you got her revving, I betcha she scoots!  Somwhere around 4K rpm the ol'
straight six gets happy and then objects in the mirror get much farther away.
I've never raced mine, only driven in a spirited fashion on the open road.
(There were rumors of an old E Type doin' 120 on I-15 somewhere near the AZ-NV
state line.  I will neither confirm nor deny such reports.)  Seems to handle
more or less neutral, maybe with a little push.  What's your experience?  Is
the car stock, got sticky tires, has it been lowered, what carbs, got sway
bars, etc, etc????

If you ever find yourself in Tallahassee, look me up.  I'll buy ya a pint. . .

Peace, Love & Pushrods-
JD Kemp &
"Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB

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