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Re: Speed Creep!

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Speed Creep!
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 23:40:20 -0400
> > I don't know what Larry Park's BP cars actually weighed but they were a
> >
> Must be the "new math."  I'm not sure in what universe 2750 is closer to
> than to 2500, and Larry's most powerful car was advertised as 600.1 HP.

Read on, read on. It gets even heavier. :)

I heard privately it is apparently 3075 with the 10% "prepared in excess"
penalty and a 50 lb penalty for using 12" wheels. It sure looked like it
should weigh a lot less than that sitting on the grid. Don't 60s and 70s
vintage Corvettes weigh less than 3000 lbs stock? There must be a heck of a
lot of ballast in that sucker. No wonder it took so long to stop at GGF when
the throttle stuck.

Paul Foster

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