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Speed Creep? warning: no autox content, squabbling content

To: <>
Subject: Speed Creep? warning: no autox content, squabbling content
From: "Brad Cox" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 14:27:24 -0500
I can't resist.

First, Paul wrote these kind words in the midst of an orderly, courteous 
>>If you want to change the rule then go right ahead and change it. But until 
>you do, you and the SCCA "bosses" are a bunch of hypocrites<<

Then Mark sez:
>>That's not what the rules say, but it's no surprise that you read into things 
>only what you want to see.  You got the creep part right, anyways.<<

To which Paul responds:
>>Why don't you simply discuss the issues instead of getting into personal 

To which I'm responding (for Mark, but hey, I'm the hypocrite here)...  Tit for 
Tat dude.  U started the name calling.  Sort of hiding it in a subject related 
paragraph doesn't change the fact.  Why does netiquette go to hell in a hand 
basket when U get involved?    

(No more personal business, I promise.)

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  • Speed Creep? warning: no autox content, squabbling content, Brad Cox <=