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Re: Event organization question. (Probably more than you wanted

To: <>
Subject: Re: Event organization question. (Probably more than you wanted
From: "Rick Brown" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 12:18:34 -0700
We have tech seperate and you shouldn't even be in grid without a tech
sticker on your car.  Hard to change workers on the fly with 6 groups since
often those driving are the next workers and the current workers are the
next drivers.  Which is why I am pushing for 8 groups, we have the turnout
to justify it. We are about to implement AutoX/TS software so cards will be
eliminated eventually.  Our current procedure is to go to tech first
(pointless to register if you don't pass tech) then registration then cards
go from there to T&S.  With the computers (1 in T&S, 2 at registration),
everyone who has been to an event since January is in the database and is
"entered" by assigning a run group (work group assignment can be pre-set
based on run group).  New people have basic info entered. We require
distinct car #'s for all entrants, no duplicates in seperate classes.  Those
competing for points have permanent numbers, "guests" are assigned 600
series numbers which we provide pre-printed.  Most guests are non-SCCA
members and pay $5 more.  With the card system, the card sorter pulls the
card as a car comes to the line and gives to the announcer; when a car
finishes, the timer operator gives a timing slip to the announcer and the
card/slip goes to the recorder who gets cone info from the master radio
person, then the card goes back to the sorter. The computer will of course
eliminate most of this, although we will run a modified version of the card
system along with the computer system initially (untill the non-computer
types are convinced :-))

Rick Brown
FP 240Z

> I like the 8 groups, as it keeps the length of time working shorter.
> We make the worker changes "on the fly," almost, with little time lost
> between groups. Some of the things chairmen need to remember is to call
> both the workers for the next heat AND the cars for the next heat early
> so the workers can move onto course, and the cars can be teched in time.
> After the cars are teched, the cards are picked up and taken to the T&S
> motorhome, sorted numerically and put into our "card holder," and are
> easy to locate, even if cars have the same numbers--unless you can't see
> the difference between a #99 CS Miata and a #99 BS Miata of the same
> color. That might lead to a little confusion, but, ah, I digress.
> --Pat Kelly

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