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Re: Speed Creep!

To: <>
Subject: Re: Speed Creep!
From: "Brad Cox" <>
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 10:55:55 -0500
>>Please READ rules 1.3 and 2.1. Stock classed cars doing 70 at the
finish violates these guidelines.<<

Here are my uneducated opinions on the subject... ;-)

Something to consider... how much 'speed creep' is being caused by the cars 
themselves and not necessarily course design.  The new Z06 vette and the Honda 
S2000 are not good "stock" class cars to do speed comparisons on IMO.  A lot of 
stock class cars are getting faster, but they're also getting safer.  Some of 
them are so optimized in stock trim that it's difficult to squeeze more 
performance out of them in SP.  Personally, I believe event statistics are the 
best guidlines.  Accidents have always happened and always will, but we need 
acceptable levels.  Are last years levels or this year's acceptable?  I don't 
have a clue.  But, if the SCCA bosses and safety people think they are then I 
guess we're ok.  

This weekend at the Ft. Worth NT, the course had a very fast section but there 
were no rollovers and no accidents.  I did see a scary moment with a course 
worker but it was entirely his fault and had nothing to do with course design 
or speed.  It is almost impossible to eliminate the potential for this type of 
situation.  Education is the best tool for reducing these types of accidents.

Also IMO, whether a course section is  'scary' has little to do with safety 
either.  I know I was scared but it didn't keep me from flat footing that 
section, and I doubt it kept most others out of the gas.  But, I don't believe 
my fear was because I was in a dangerous situation.  It was more like fear of 
the unknown because my car handles differently at higher speeds.  I believe the 
statistics from this particular event bear this out as well. 


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