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Public Airport Event Sites

To: "" <>
Subject: Public Airport Event Sites
From: Michael Poorboy <>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 10:56:05 -0700
Hi List,
I need some information from clubs that use Public airports as their
event sites.
We have a local airport with a large pad area adjacent to an active
runway. I
have been in contact with the airport manager and he doesn't seem the
a problem of us renting this area, but the County attorney is against
it. The
funny thing is the Sheriff Department uses the same area for their
school. The airport we would like to use isn't a very busy facility and
have any commercial carriers there.

Does anyone know the FAA restrictions for using areas located within an
active airport ? I worked on a flight line for years and we had several
at the airport while the runways were still being used. I am thinking
this is mainly
a way to keep from having to deal with us.

I want to know as much information as possible before I tackle the

Thanks for any and all the help.

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