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Re: "The Fast & The Furious" - bad news for autocross

Subject: Re: "The Fast & The Furious" - bad news for autocross
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 13:34:07
washburn <> wrote:
>Roger Johnson wrote:
> >
> > It is terrible enough to have the Canadians and the E/P entries;
> >     they are enough of a bad influence.  I say "no more"!
> >
>Damn Canadians!

I say we all go up there and win all of their CNAC trophies!
What is the duty on a Canadian National Championship trophy,
anyway????? :-)

-Arthur ("Give a man a fish, feed him for a day.  Teach a man
         to fish, and the first thing he catches is a nuclear
         submarine." edition)


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