<<What's a 510? Seriously, outside of the SCCA I've never seen one in the
midwest. Ever. Not even at the hot rod/custom car shows. And I definitely
"get around" enough. Must be a coastal thing.>>
The coast, yah that's it. If we're talking about the coast of the Missorri
River. We live 2 hours and 45 minutes apart, I'm in Omaha, Nebraska. Until
2001 there was a 510 that ran modified in our region.
Maybe we need a 12-step program here. "Hi this is Eric in Omaha and I
thought my Neon was a sports car . . . until I bought a sports car."
Seriously though. I like Neons. I have friends that have done well in DS
with their Neons. I especially like my '97 Neon, 2 door, white matching
white wheels, ACR, Borla. It's perpetually for sale but I never quite let
go. It takes an on-ramp well. It doesn't rust. But it's not a sports car.
For the record the Neon cost more than the 911.
Eric Salem in Omaha