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To: "Autox" <>
Subject: Pro?
From: "James Rogerson" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 09:00:12 -0600
On the digest, so:

1)  Pro anything means you get MONEY (CASH) for WIN, PLACE or SHOW.  Not a set 
of tires and oil to be delivered later.
2)  No Prepared and Modified at ProSolo. The Thunderbirds and Blue Angels only 
do exhibitions, yet Joe Blow can do rolls in his Piper and make the crowd cheer 
and he can use a postage stamp area set aside for acrobatics.
3) I'd add something else, but I have a golf outing that requires my attendance.

Oh, wait
4) It's SYNTAX that English majors deal with, not semantics.  Proper order as 
opposed to the meaning of the word collection.  See:  "C.W. Morris in his 
Foundations of the Theory of Signs (1938) organizes semiotics, the study of 
signs, into three areas: syntax (the study of the interrelation of the signs); 
semantics (the study of the relation between the signs and the objects to which 
they apply); and pragmatics (the relationship between the sign system and the 

Happy New Year!  ;-)

James Rogerson 
[FP #125] - Techless Racing 
"Nails are glue, hypothetically speaking" - Lou Fertile 
"Men that like golf are unhappy at home and incapable of having a meaningful 
relationship with women" - Joseph Heller 
"I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's 
start with typewriters." Frank Lloyd

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