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Re: How many cylinders do you have?

To: ",,"
Subject: Re: How many cylinders do you have?
From: Doug Miller <>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 12:50:42 -0700
I've cut back - used to have another truck and race car, and i'm not
counting race cars with out motors (wrong season and all) or motors
without cars.
8 camper
8 truck
8 wife rig
8 datsun
4 generators (misc)
4 alpha wife car
5 lawn and garden
7 three snowmobiles
3 three motorcycles
All of the above run, except the alpha fouls plugs every 10 miles (
italian fuel injection).
Lifetime: Well over 200. Easy.  Not bad for a 34 year old.

We had this discussion on another list I'm on, and a guy
had like 200 current cylinders, but he's a farmer.
Doug "ya mite be a rednek iffn ya count success by cylinders" miller

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