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Re: Magnetic awareds (was: Solo Entry Fees)

To: Bill Fuhrmann <>
Subject: Re: Magnetic awareds (was: Solo Entry Fees)
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 09:35:44 -0800
When we mail out the paper results, we include a checkered flag decal to
the class winners. Not being entirely facetious, we count the paper
results as a memento of the event--no dash plaques. Our schedule is way
unpredictable so even knowing how many events we'll have in a season is
        At the end of the year, we have a banquet and hand out large frame
photos on a wooden plaque (really large) of the trophy winners for every
class in the Regional Series; and for our "Slush Series" this year, we
giving out some Scott Schleh trophies. The photo trophies have been
traditional from day one of our events way back.
--Pat Kelly

Bill Fuhrmann wrote:
> > I must have missed something here? You give out some kind of an
> > award at every
> > event???
> >
> > Mike B.
> There is a group that does not give out the first place people some kind of
> award at every event?
> I bet that this is more unusual than giving out awards at every event.
> Locally, our clubs are required by the rules to give them out.

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