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Re: Maserati but not Porsche ( was re: SM Inclusion List )

Subject: Re: Maserati but not Porsche ( was re: SM Inclusion List )
From: David Hillman <>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 12:18:38 -0500 (EST)
On Sat, 9 Dec 2000 wrote:
> 1) Most of those kids don't even know the name Maserati, much less have ever 
> seen a "real" Maserati.

   I think you are underestimating these 'kids'.  In my experience, they
know quite a bit about cars, and while they may never have seen one, they
all know that 'my Maserati does 185.'

> 2)  I'm assuming they'd have to actually be at an event in order to not 
> return because they were beaten by some feared marque.  Have you ever seen a 
> Biturbo?  Not exactly an autocross vehicle that inspires fear...

   And a 944 strikes fear into the hearts of these kids who supposedly
don't look twice at anything without 30" rims and a 4' wing?

   Actually, I have seen a Biturbo.  I knew a guy who bought several, for
dirt cheap because they were broken, fixed them and took them to open
track events; more often than not blowing the doors off much more
expensive cars.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n
 scscc, nma, scca, imoc

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