I agree, a SMX could work, at least until you tried to quantify it for
national status. We have X classes out here and, while they work, I think it
would be difficult to setup a national-level equal to it.
I think SM just needs to concentrate on targeting the highest concentration
of people and developing the cars that are in it now. Once they have an idea
of what is actually possible given the current SM rules, THEN they can start
allowing cars that were passed over before.
It sure beats allowing them, and then booting them back out.....
Mike CP58
> A fair and reasonable response. I guess for the P-car crowd is either
> equity within the current classes (those cars that are tuned, stock seems
> good right now) or add a SMX or a class where they can play, and add in
> other excluded vehilces (Supra, etc.
> )
> Matt Murray