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Re: Letter to SEB / ESP

To: "Steven Eguina" <>,
Subject: Re: Letter to SEB / ESP
From: sam strano <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 17:12:17 -0400
I have included parts of Steve's letter as foundation.  He makes excellent 
points that I wanted to expand upon.

This letter has been sent to the SEB as well.

At 12:32 PM 10/25/00 -0700, Steven Eguina wrote:
>Dear SEB
>With regards to the M-3 move to BSP or ASP its been tabled by the SEB with
>no recommendation for 2001!  We are not trying to "protect" certain types
>of cars in ESP.  Its called "keeping the class alive".

I find it disgusting to hear that there is a "perception" of protecting 
"certain cars".  This perception is held only by the SEB.  None of the ESP 
driver's I know, including myself hold this perception.  We have 
competitive Diamond Star cars in the class.  I wasn't against having the 
Supra in the class provided the boost was held in check (and we have since 
found out it wasn't during it's time in ESP).

ESP got considerably smaller this year at Nationals.  This isn't a matter 
of the natural cycle of the class.  This is simply a matter a mis-classed 
car.  M3's aren't slow, and the folks in ESP stupid.

>I do have one other question. What was the "firm technical foundation" for
>moving the M-3 from CSP?

I would also like to know the definition of this.

>  Maybe this will give us an idea what you looking
>for.  I hope it wasn't because the M-3 was loosing, or because the M-3 was
>to big or heavy to be competitive in CSP.

I have heard this "that the M3 was too big for CSP".  Does that not sound 
like the SEB is protecting certain types of cars in CSP?  Namely small 
Japanese cars?  That's all CSP is, at least ESP has some *other* types of 
cars in it.  There was one non-Japanese small car in CSP.  EXCLUDING the 
M3's, there were 8 non-pony cars in ESP.

>Prior to moving the M-3 to ESP last year  maybe a
>test with Hoosier tires would have been in order.  Once the M-3 was shod
>with Hoosiers Vs the BFG's it sure was a lot fast.  As most of us know, the
>BFG's were not competitive in 1999.  The "firm technical foundation"  for
>this, I would think, would have been the National results.

I would think so as well.  And if nothing else, they have the data now that 
Nationals is over this year.

>In final closing, I was told by Howard Duncan at the beginning of this year
>that one reason the M-3 was moved to ESP was because the M-3 drivers
>thought it was a "good idea" and since the ESP existing drivers weren't
>heard from it was "ASSUMED"  we didn't care.  The communication to the
>drivers on this issue last year was POOR at best.  The SEB has had plenty
>of driver feed back this year.

I was told the same thing.  But now that most of the class has let it be 
known that we don't think the M3 in the class is a good idea, it's assumed 
we are afraid, or car-homophobic.  Amazing, 5 or 6 M3 owners obviously hold 
more clout than 50+ pony-car and DSM owners.  That is biased, and I'd like 
to know why.

M3 owners' think moving it was a "good idea".  Miraculously, it happens.  A 
much bigger majority of SCCA members, in a VERY healthy class thing it's a 
bad idea.  Something smells very bad to me here.

>Please review all the information you have received. Look at last years
>results (in particular review how many times the M-3 would have won the BSP
>class and in some cases the CSP or ASP class),

Look at the ESP results with the M3 involved (Bob OR Todd), and compare 
them to Super Stock.  This will show you how much faster the M3 is than the 
other cars in class.  Super Stock is an absolute known quantity.

How about the fact that an M3 is an AS car, the other ESP cars are FS or 
GS.  Assuming all the gains to be had by SP rules are even close to equal, 
the other ESP cars are in a hole.  The M3 is lighter than any other ESP 
car.  It has an Independent Rear Suspension, which is a HUGE 
advantage.  The car that won Solo2 Nationals doesn't even have the limit of 
the SP rules applied (larger engine, and as I realized yesterday, larger 
wheels can be fitted with flares).

I also notice, as a side note, that Bob won the BOTH COURSES for the first 
time EVER in Topeka.  Here's a guy with many championships, and all of a 
sudden this happens?

>The current BSP cars are much more in line with the M-3 than the majority
>of the ESP cars. I feel last year you made a poor discussion in moving the
>M-3 to ESP.  Lets not let it stand another year. I don't want to see a 20%
>to 40% reduction of the class at Pro Solo, National Tour and Nationals.

The simple truth is this.  The M3 ran times much more in line with THREE 
other SP classes (the fastest three I might add).  Bob historically ran 
right with Tom Berry in CSP.  Tom finished 2nd in CSP.    I'd say that's 
competitive.  Both Bob and Todd would have trophied in BSP (Bob 2nd, Todd 
11th).  And Bob would have been 2nd in ASP as well.  Todd would have been 
out of the trophies, but not by much, and as the SEB is so fond of pointing 
out the driver is part of the equation.

Patty would have won ASPL, BSPL, AND CSPL with her times as 
well.  Excepting ASPL, those would have been huge (by Solo2 standard) 
margins.  1.7 in the case of BSPL, and 2.6 in the case of CSPL.

The SEB cannot (read again CANNOT) deny the M3 is not competitive in any of 
those classes.  Why is is better for the M3's to win ESP by over 1 second, 
than an M3 to "only" run right with the cars/drivers in the rest of the 
classes?  Apparently, the SEB feels that the current ESP cars and drivers 
are far below the level of cars and drivers in the other classes.  That's 
the only reason for the actions taken.

To end, I am tired of hearing about A+ drivers.  I am not a first year 
racer who thinks I am getting the most out of a car.  I do not have a 
championship, that is true.  But, I choose to run extremely hard 
classes.  I have proven that I can drive with the best in country in 
different kinds of cars.  I know that when I show up in a class that people 
know I will give them a run.  By saying the driver of "X" car is so good 
that it's hard to class it is unmitigated crap.  Also, I am afforded the 
opportunity to drive MANY different kinds of cars on timed courses.  I am 
WELL aware of the performance potential of these cars.  Bob and Patty are 
very, very good.  They have my respect as drivers.  They are not, however, 
unbeatable.  And should not be considered as such when looking at the M3 in 

Sam Strano 

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