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Fun With The Kids

To: "" <>
Subject: Fun With The Kids
From: Chris Eckles <>
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 10:12:17 -0400
I went to a fun event, yesterday.  One of the few non-SCCA events I have
ever been to.  This was the Clemson Sports Car Club, and even though I
wasn't quite the oldest person there (at 41), with my middling experience I
ended up being the old timer.  Nearly everyone else was a student.  About
45 drivers.

Good course, overall.  Middling speed, 50 seconds, with several tight
gates.  But not as tight as Nashville SCCA always has - the Nashville folks
love their 9 foot or less gates (yes, I know).

Not a perfect course, though.  Better than I could have done, I must say. 
Too many trees.  An old volvo (one of the early, interesting looking ones)
whacked nose first into a tree.  Moderate damage, but the car would still
roll.  Everyone - and I mean everyone - had to wander out onto the course
and stare.  It took 30 minutes until they realized that the car would roll,
and another 15 to clear the field.

We started a bit late.  Showed up on time, but a "bus rodeo" was on the
lot, and the parking reservations guy had no recollection of CSCC's
reservation.  VERIFY YOUR RESERVATIONS!  It was nearly 2:00 before the
first car was off.

Much more casual than our SCCA autocrosses.  Not much of a drivers meeting.
 One of the loaner helmets looked like a football helmet.  Work was not
required, and there were few corner workers.  I was one of only three or
four folks that walked the course (there was a drive through, though).  The
course kept evolving through the first heat, as people kept DNF-ing, and
cones were added or moved, and they did a second drive through part way
through the first heat.

But, as I said, I had a blast.  Really nice folks, beautiful warm weather. 
I had a passenger for all 5 runs.  These guys were really amazed at what a
well set up car could do.  I was nearly two seconds faster than anyone
else, with the exception of the A Mod car (which I think DROVE to the
event.  Really).  I know that you only get faster when you are around
faster people, but it sure is nice to drive with slow folks once in a
while!  <g>

Chris Eckles
White M Roadster

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