Due to the multiple cancellation of SEDiv Series events in 2000 and the later
than usual date for the Atlanta event on Nov. 11-12, previously checking off
to pre-register for all SEDiv events is no longer valid. Everyone who plans
to attend the Atlanta SEDiv event must pre-register specifically for this
event; either by fax, mail, or on-line at the SEDiv Solo2 website. Also
located at the website are links to preview currently registered entrants and
assigned vehicle numbers for the event, entry forms, program details, etc..
The website is located at:
We hope to have the Atlanta event flyer out in the mail soon to everyone on
the SEDiv Solo2 mailing list. Remember, you must pre-register at least 2
weeks before the event to avoid a late fee penalty of $10 and at least one
week before the event to avoid a total late fee penalty of $20.
I would again like to thank our generous SEDiv Solo2 Championship Series
sponsors; BFGoodrich Team T/A, Evolution Performance Driving Schools, and
Edwards & Edwards Consulting, as well as the entire SEDiv Solo2 membership,
for their patience and support this year's convoluted Series schedule. The
upcoming Atlanta event site is very expensive and we really need a good
turn-out just to break even. We currently have 85 pre-registered entrants,
which is far short of our goal. If you are an SCCA SEDiv member and care
about *your* divisional Solo2 program we must have your support of this event
to springboard back a better year in 2001. One of the advantages of living
in the SEDiv is being able to race almost year-round due to the mild winter
weather, so come on out for the last big Solo2 event in 2000!
To some extent I have let you all down this year. Rather than tuck my tail
in shame and run for the hills, I will be staying on as the Solo2 Steward
next year and put forth a maximum effort to ensure that the SEDiv Series
rises to it's previous level of glory. Despite the site problems experienced
in 2000, things are looking very positive in 2001. I'm not able to go into
details at this time, but we have several new quality sites coming available
next year that will offer a better geographic distribution of event locations
to the SEDiv membership. In addition to the normal Solo2 event series for
the SEDiv, discussions of a separately sponsored, previously unheard-of,
team-based points series are also in progress. We are still searching for
more SEDiv event sites, so if your region has an interest in hosting a SEDiv
event please contact me to discuss our options.
Many thanks,
Mark Sipe
Your SCCA SEDiv Solo2 Steward