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Re: Attn: B and M Dept.: Peru

To: Eric W Clements <>
Subject: Re: Attn: B and M Dept.: Peru
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 17:21:09 -0700
In SFR, we have always disqualified anyone found not working; in the
results we show no times at all for those folks, so they don't have a
clue how well/poorly they did. Just fine with me. As far as reciprocal
punishment (working 2 next event to make up for the undone work), we
have too many people to keep track of that kind of statistic. Usually,
it only takes one or two missed work assignments before either the
troublemaker gets the message and does his/her share, or doesn't come
--Pat Kelly

Eric W Clements wrote:
> In the Central PA Region if you skip your work assignment (without a good
> reason, illness, etc.)you get DSQ'ed for that event AND at the next event
> you get work your missed work assignment and your regular work assignment
> before you can compete.
> EC
> On Tue, 17 Oct 2000 19:38:01 -0700 Karen Kraus <>
> writes:
> >
> >      As an event organizer, the fact that some people -- especially
> > on the regional level -- feel they are above working in some respect
> > really irritates me.
> ________________________________________________________________

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