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Re: [RE: Announcement: Evolution announcement/discussion lists up]

To: <>
Subject: Re: [RE: Announcement: Evolution announcement/discussion lists up]
From: Arthur Emerson <>
Date: 11 Oct 00 09:13:15 EDT
"Pylon.CC" <> wrote:
> .... but I don't think I have ever sent the same message to
> Team.Net twice.....

The message was sent once.  The Majordomo program on system sent it out twice.  It's been doing
that a lot lately.  Judging by the amount of non-standard
time stamps being inserted into the message headers, I would
guess that Mark is not only aware of it but also trying to
debug the problem.  I've included the headers from both copies
of my message to Team.Net at the end of this message, in case
anybody is curious to see the evidence for themselves.

The one line that I will point out is the Hotmail-assigned
message number from each received message:

Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>

Looks the same to me!  I only sent it once, dammit!  The Team.Net
server thought that it was important enough where it sent the
message out twice. :-)

> CJ ("Hoping to catch a ride in a black helicopter" .edition)

We are looking for test pilots for an experimental one-rotor
model.  Interested applicants can find additional details on the 
Cabal's web site, listed under "Human Resources - Expendible".....

-Arthur ("Team.Net [the system, not the list] *is* broken" edition.)


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