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How about new topics??? No ads here :-)

Subject: How about new topics??? No ads here :-)
From: "David Schwabe" <>
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 23:46:17 CDT
A few new, non-Spam topics:

Anyone know if the proposed stock class rules are going to fly as is? (or 
*as was* in FasTrak) Or are they still being tweaked? I thought I heard 
something to that effect from someone who went to Nationals.

Um, new topic #2... what's the consensus (or as much of one as we can get on 
this list :-) on tire brands/performance? I went with Kumhos this season and 
was not too disappointed. What are the opinions of the other brands?? 
(advertisers need not apply :-)

and lastly, why do YOU autocross??

--Dave Schwabe
A Cheesehead just like Washburn and Cashmore :-)


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  • How about new topics??? No ads here :-), David Schwabe <=