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Re: Traction in a can??? (was Re: Re Tire Warmers)

Subject: Re: Traction in a can??? (was Re: Re Tire Warmers)
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 13:26:05 -0400
>Up to $100 per gallon! WOO-hah! Hey, I'll sell you a whole gallon of
>V Traction Treatment for $39 and that includes shipping anywhere in the
>lower 48.
>Okay, I put the commercial up front. I'm trying to peddle the stuff, so
>can take what I say below with that in mind. But I believe in it, use it
>myself, and have for nearly 20 years.
>It DOES bring dead tires back to life.
>It DOES keep your gummy tires gummy, and prevents them from getting

        Read here for an opinion on the stuff from somebody that doesn't sell
it...  Formula V Traction Treatment works as advertised!  I used it last
year on my 3 year old BFG R1s (started treatments about 2 weeks before
first solo).  It didn't make them exactly like new, but the performance
was much improved.  Tires did start to wear out faster again.  I'd use it
again if I still had any older tires...

'91 MR2 4ap

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