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Re: Dixie Region Trailer Stolen

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Dixie Region Trailer Stolen
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 18:10:08 -0500
Under the heading of locking the barn door after the horse is gone...

a trailer is easy to steal when all you have to do is back up to it, hook on
and go. Arkansas Region had theirs stolen a couple of years back. Never
heard that it was ever recovered.

A tongue lock is cheap insurance. Get 'em at the RV store. Salina Region has
one that's always on the tongue when it is not attached to something. I
towed my car to an event earlier this year where I knew I'd have to leave
the trailer alone at the Motel while I went to something else in the city,
so I bought a tongue lock for it. $44.41.

Too late for Dixie Region, but other clubs might consider it.


-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>;
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2000 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Dixie Region Trailer Stolen

>So sorry to hear of the theft.
>This is something our region has been concerned about, as we have about the
>same amount of assets tied up in our trailer. Are you insured. and if so
>did you do it?
>If it's OK with you, I have asked our web master to out this plea on our
>site. I hope we can help. Good luck.
>Michael Dickerson
>RE, Central Kentucky Region SCCA

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