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RE: Changing Classes

To: "'David Hillman'" <>,
Subject: RE: Changing Classes
From: "Richard Atkins" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 14:16:48 -0500

   I just think the Ladies classes should be subject to the participation
*RULES* like every other class.  No has provided a good explanation for
why that subset of classes gets a free pass.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n
 scscc, nma, scca, imoc

I have been trying to keep my mouth shut on this subject but one valid
reason to keep the L classes is it is not possible to run 3 drivers (IMHO)
in the same heat (5 min rule, car can't take it P & M), many cars have two
drivers + a spouse or significant other, if we didn't have a L classes we
would be telling somebody, "sorry but you don't get to run", the idea is to
attract people to the sport (STS, SM, F125), not drive them away.

They serve a purpose and don't hurt anything, let it go.

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