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Re: Changing Classes

To: "David Hillman" <>,
Subject: Re: Changing Classes
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 02:18:05 -0500
Sure it is. The comparison is "you could run Open, why do you want to run
Ladies instead?" And the answer is "just because they DO." Let them be.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Hillman <>
To: ax-digest <>
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 5:25 PM
Subject: Changing Classes

>Rocky wrote...
>> "You could run HS or DSP, why do you want to run STS instead?" Because
>> they DO! And it attracts more drivers. Ditto Ladies. Leave them alone!
>   One little, tiny difference here, is that anyone who chooses can run
>HS, DSP, or STS.
>   That is not true of Ladies.
> D a v i d  H i l l m a n
> scscc, nma, scca, imoc

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