Lloyd and a few others, Good points, of which I'm sure there are as many
as the number of people both men and women who would defend their reasons
for wanting to maintain the ladies classes. Without going into my own
personal views on the subject though, I do need to ask why exactly it is
that EVERY time this subject comes up it is raised by a man, a man I might
add that has no vested interest in keeping a ladies class. Usually, a man,
who wants something for himself, that he cannot attain without hurting
someone else or eliminating someone elses ability to have something of
their own. But enough of that.
In the Katie Kelly spirit, I now provide data for you viewing pleasure.
Make what you will out of it, I found it interesting and pretty much in
line with the numbers I ran last year. Keep in mind that I ran through
these this morning and the numbers may not be completely accurate,
especially if I was not able to identify a woman running in the open class
because of her name. I've always kind of wondered why there were fewer
women running in certain regions of the country. Where do those opposed to
Ladies classes live exactly? I've always thought, personally that is, that
support increases participation.
National Tours
276 Entries
33 Women Entered (12%)
26 Ran in Ladies classes (9.5%)
San Diego
253 Entries
48 Women Entered (19%)
35 Ran in Ladies classes (14%)
Fort Worth
295 Entries
35 Women Entered (12%)
25 Ran in Ladies classes (8.5%)
231 Entries
30 Women Entered (13%)
21 Ran in Ladies classes (9%)
304 Entries
60 Women Entered (20%)
48 Ran in Ladies classes (16%)
224 Entries
46 Women Entered (21%)
40 Ran in Ladies classes (18%)
173 Entries
29 Women Entered (17%)
20 Ran in Ladies Classes (11.5%)
94 Mazda Miata (BS and BSL formerly GS and GSL)