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Re: Ford sure picked some winners....

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Ford sure picked some winners....
From: "B. Vibert" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 21:28:58 -0400
> >
> >It is true that Ford specified a 26 PSI rating for the Explorer, and
> >I am sure some people let it go lower.  However, I think it is hard
> >to blame Ford much, since they sold over 500,000 Explorers
> >with 26 PSI GOODYEAR tires, and not one has come apart.
> >The ones with the Firestone tires have not been so lucky...
> >It may have been a combination of a poor tire, with low pressures.

> You forgot Poor Vehicle design too.  Why aren't they blowing on any other 
> vehicles?

Usually OEM tires are not exactly the same as replacement tires.  They are
designed for the specific application of the vehicle they are to go on.  They
may have slightly different construction, usually better, than the same size
and type replacement tires so this could be why it is specific to the Exlorer. 
Or course, on other vehicles you probably wouldn't be running them at 26psi. 
Ford also modified the suspension on the vehicles in Venezuela to make them
safer.  I have no idea why this wasn't done in North America.

One of the contributing factors could be that the Firestones were made in a
plant undergoing labour disputes and they were made by replacement workers.

Burl Vibert
1983 Porsche 911SC  A/SS CASC-OR
Kingston, Ontario

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