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Re: (Long) Comments on Nationals

Subject: Re: (Long) Comments on Nationals
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 01:03:06 EDT
Todd Green wrote:

<<Anyway, that's my honest inside scoop on how I feel I did at Nationals.
I'd give myself a B on the driving at the Pro and an A- at Nats.  As far
as the car, who knows, it could all be in my head, but it was also
bouncing around at a local event this past Sunday, and there was no
pressure on me, so I don't think it is just my driving.  I finally get
rack time tomorrow morning with my mechanic, so I'll know for sure. >>

I wish I could blame the car, or even my confidence in it. I drove plain 
didn't drive well on the south course. We (my wife and I) went down for the 
warm upon Sun., and From the first run the car felt great, and my times were 
only a l;ittle off, but when the real thing cam, I just couldn't place the 
car where it needed to be. Maybe with 6 runs on each course I might have 
found it, but I sure didn't in just 3. I drove far better on the "more 
driver" north course, and actually moved up 4 places on the 2 day total, but 
still just never felt quite right. My wife on the other hand drove one of her 
best runs on the north course to beat my top time. She was getting closer all 
year, and picked her last run at Nationals to do it. That run also got her 
the ESL championship. I have to finish planning the party that I promised her 
earlier this year when she beat me at an event. This certainly qualifies.

Gary Meissner 

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