At nationals, a number of conversations turned to what to do with small
classes. Suggestions were made that would allow mechanical changes to one
class to make it more competitive in it's own class, or allow it to be
competitive in a combined class.
While I feel this concept has merit, it does have a downside. First, there
are the costs of the modifications. Second, modifications may render a car
useless outside of Solo II. Third, the modification may unintentionally make
an overdog or underdog instead of one of the pack. Fourth, modification may
only apply to one group of cars, making them say - why can't the others
Adding or subtracting weight is another idea that may work if the performance
capabilities of the two groups are close, but there are limits. The idea of
a 600 pound shifter kart scares me. Can you say metal fatigue?
OK, so why not use a mathematical equilizer? No group would have to change
or develop anything. The equilizer factors already exist in the PAX and PRO
factors. If one group seems to dominate, factor adjustments could be made
with no added cost to the competitors. Of course, you would not want to make
adjustments to the factors more than once a year - like 01/01/xx.
I suspect this suggestion should be addressed to the SEB, but I'd like some
feedback from the competitors in Solo II in general prior to writing the
letter. You too may someday find yourself in a shrinking size class.
Hoping to not get too badly flamed.....
Paul Durr (assorted classes - some small, some big)