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Re: Whining about the Protest in HS

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Whining about the Protest in HS
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 10:49:55 -0400
for the record:  I agree with both the decision not to penalize for the
missing plastic pieces, and to not accept the protest for the cone video.  I
thought I was clear on this from the start.

I posted to dispute the claim that the  parts were  lost ion the pro solo,
and to support the PC committee's refusal to consider the cone protest.

Heyward K. Wagner
Honda Civic Si - HS #48
Custom Automotive Graphics - Numbers - Magnetics - Static Cling
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: Whining about the Protest in HS

> Let me get this straight; you say the vehicle was missing the trim pieces
> had an illegal steering wheel at the Pro Finale, yet you didn't file your
> protest.  You obviously didn't care about it then, so why now?  It's
> strange that you're so concerned about how the rules apply to someone
> rather than yourself.  You had the opportunity to protest and didn't.
> Someone else filed a protest and it went through the process available and
> final decision was made.  That's it, the rules *as they applied* were
> followed; end of story.  Why can't you just accept it and move on?
> Whether or not a cone is called IS NOT the competitors fault.  The rules
> very clear that T&S protests must be filed within 30 minutes and that the
> corner sheets are the record of substance.  With the current graphic
> capabilities available, how is the protest committee suppose to determine
> validity of a video supplied by the competition on the following day?
> Regardless of validity, what we really have here is various vexatious
> attempts to get back at someone for filing a protest, despite that protest
> being based on sound, performance-oriented evidence.  All this "trying to
> hang someone in public" whining serves no useful or positive purpose.
> Rather, it is simply a disservice that stains both yourself and our sport
> more than the person it is aimed at.
> Mark Sipe

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