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RE: Gasoline on the Fire

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Gasoline on the Fire
From: Jeff Winchell <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 16:34:40 -0700
>   Here's more petrol

>1      Ray Miller      Corvette                55.356
>2      Bob Tunnell     M3                      55.476

>   There doesn't seem to be an upside to putting the M3 in ESP, as opposed
>to C or even B SP.  There seems to be a fairly clear downside.

ASPL results aren't final, but it appears that Patty Tunnell is going to
beat ALL SPL classes not just ESPL.
As for Bob, he's way up there, and see where last year's ESP champ did
compared to the other class leaders in SP.

Update including all SP Classes

ASP 1 Mark Huffman    103.495
BSP 1 Ray Miller      104.542
CSP 1 David Palmquist 104.712
ASP 2 Craig Carr      104.812
ESP 1 Bob Tunnell     104.964
CSP 2 Tom Berry       105.115
BSP 2 Brandon Young   105.121
BSP 3 Bill Sanford    105.135
CSP 3 Tom Ellam       105.249
BSP 4 Guy Ankeny      105.504
BSP 5 Ken Yeo         105.546
CSP 4 Allen Kugler    105.725
ASP 3 Rex Carle       105.797
ESP 2 Mark Madaresh   106.030
DSP 1 Steve Hoelscher 109.176
FSP 1 Kevin Wenzel    109.260

And for the Ladies classes (though the much smaller classes makes this
analysis more problematical)
ESP 1 Patty Tunnell   108.104
ASP 1 Linay White      51.338 vs Patty's 51.313 on the same course
BSP 1 Patty Yeo       109.930
BSP 2 Linda Shelton   110.085
BSP 3 Angela Lord-Moffet 110.660
CSP 1 Audrey Harnish  110.762
ESP 2 Eileen Lindberg 111.047
FSP 1 Lisa Krueger    112.065
DSP 1 Tina Reeves     113.863

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