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Re: Good Luck?

To: "James A. Crider" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Good Luck?
From: "Williams" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 20:03:05 -0500
I often say, "Settle Down Todd".

Bryan Williams
Beer Money Racing

-----Original Message-----
From: James A. Crider <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: Good Luck?

>Among F&C workers, it's "Play Safe!"
>Can't think of an equivalent for autocross other than "No cones this time,
>okay?" which is really specifically directed at either Marcus Merideth or
>Dennis Grant (who are both good friends of mine).
>Jim "Leaving tomorrow morning, well, okay, maybe tomorrow lunchtime" Crider
> (home)
> (portable)

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