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The Oscoda CENDIV GS report

To: Bradley Lamont <>
Subject: The Oscoda CENDIV GS report
From: Mike Mitchell <>
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 21:43:53 +0000
John McIver    55.6/46.6        102.195
Jeff Robinson  56.4/48.0        104.367
Steve Brouwr 57.6/48.0        105.666
Mike Mitchell  57.8/47.9        105.786
Jeff Brown        69.9!/46.8        114.968

Typical, fast Oscoda event.  180+ cars.  4 runs each day.
Saturday runs for GS heat were basically run in the rain,  which
almost stopped around second run making this one everyone's
quickest (though there was still plenty of standing water)

John McI had his new Kuhmo rain tires  (712's?) on which helped
on this rainy Saturday.  Jeff Brown did not like the rain
on this day and coned/spun on all runs.  Jeff R. did a nice
job on newer Kuhmo V700's.   If it had continued to not
rain through the third and fourth runs, one of us might
have caught John on his rain/street type tires.

Sunday was ALOT of fun.  Cloudy and not real warm. Third gear (yahoo!) for 
through the last three turns (a long sweeper and a big S turn into the finish.)
First part of the course was fast but fairly techical (two slaloms, two 180's).
Nice flow, and the speed made things dicey and interesting.
For me this was the best surface I have ever driven on  (Sunday, NOT Saturday
...drifting a hydoplaning car through creeks and bogs around a fast course was
an unpredictable adventure!)

Jeff B. redeemed himself and did get within .2 seconds of John on Sunday,
with the rest of us just over a second back.   John pretty much had it won
after the Saturday slog.

All of us are showing up at the NWOR CENDIV event
this Sunday.    C'mon over if you can.  Big, fast asphalt lot
just off the interstate South of Toledo.   McIver says
it's been awhile since he's been on asphalt so.....
we'll see!



PS.  Three of four top cars were DSMs!

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