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Re: Solo III

To: Richard Atkins <>
Subject: Re: Solo III
From: Chris Shepard <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 10:20:03 -0600
Richard Atkins wrote:
> And who would put these on?
> In our region the people who put on the regionals are the competitors, we
> don't have a hired staff (who does), this would mean the SAME people (at
> least for safety, tech, timing, course design, etc) would need to go to two
> events per month.
> Burn out?
        Agreed.  Timing and course layout might be done by "less-qualified"
        individuals, tho.  In support of something like Solo III, I'd
        certainly get more involved in things and try to get up to
        speed as a chief of tech or safety, or something.  I don't think
        I'd be the only one, either.
> The topic had been about NT events and maybe some pro's not about regional
> events, I doubt that many regions have teh problem of too many competitors,
> I could be wrong on that but I run with 3-4 regions and none of them have
> too many at local events.
        Right here in Denver/Colorado Springs, we have exactly that
        problem.  At least, I see registration of 175+ cars as a
        problem.  Our chiefs do a dynamite job of running large 
        events, but I know I'm not the only driver around who'd
        prefer to not spend 10 hours in a parking lot to get 3 minutes
        of seat time. 
> If the SCCA (Denver) wants to put on these type of events let them but I
> doubt that you will see many regions that want to have two programs. The
> exception might be really big regions.
        I forgot to mention that I was thinking on a regional level, sorry.
> Most regions have some events at the start of the year where we don't count
> for year end, no trophies, etc. We call them "test and tune" or "fun"
> events. We even have some "fun" events at end of year.
        Even some of us "non-competitive" types still have a burning
        passion for the sport, and want more than three or four events
        a year.  My first-ever event was on April 15, and in less than
        four months I have four driver's schools and 14 races under
        my belt (not all SCCA, of course).  I think nothing of driving 
        500 miles to an event, but it'd be nice to have more local 

        As I said, it was just two cents...appears not to have been
        worth much more than that, either.  ;)  Thanks for the feedback.

Chris Shepard
Bailey, Colorado
SCCA FP Class '83 RX-7

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