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Re: Heat cycle for the DOT Race tires, needed or not?

To: Bill Ozinga <>
Subject: Re: Heat cycle for the DOT Race tires, needed or not?
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 12:26:25 -0700
Forgive the dumb question, but if everyone agrees that heat cycling is a
good thing, and makes a better tire, and makes the tire last longer, and
can be done in a timed baking process....

Why don't the tire manufacturers perform this as part of their normal
process? Seems like they could add a small amount of time to the
process, curing can take place at worst in shipment, or held in the
factory. They get better wear and everyone likes their tires better.

Or is their a downside to it beyond the small incremental cost?

Randy Chase (used and like's Tire Racks heat cycling process)

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