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RE: ProSolo Ramblings from Wendover

To: "Randy Chase" <>, <>
Subject: RE: ProSolo Ramblings from Wendover
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 18:13:03 -0700
> The wind was so strong, that rocks were being picked up and became
> airborne. I mentioned to another driver that the main problem was your
> hair started to hurt, from being blown around. Then I noted he was
> follically challenged. Oops...
> The course was long and quite straight. Not too much turns in this. A
> few little kinks, a long slalom, another gate that caught some people,
> the turn around, and then it was full out back to the finish with some
> minor turns in there. For me, it was 1st to 2nd to 3rd full throttle,
> then keep it in 3rd with a small tap of the brakes to get thru the
> slalom, hard braking for the turnaround, downshift to 2nd, accelerate
> past the the first turn, back to 3rd, full throttle past the finish
> lights. 

Was there really a slalom, or were the Miatas just tacking upwind?


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