But trying to claim that there are no speed traps or
that traffic tickets are _always_ issued for safety reasons just
has no credibility to anyone who has much experience on the road.
It ain't so.
Oh, you mean like the cherry patch "no left turn from 4-6" areas? I often
see motorcycle officers 5-6 deep just waiting in the alleys or behind bushes
to pull over those dregs of society who dare to turn left from 4-6 PM in a
"no left turn from 4-6" zone where they also turn 4 other times that same
day in their daily travels. I'm sure that enforcing those statutes is
saving a lot of lives.
Relieving traffic congestion is one thing. Lining city coffers because of
it is quite another. Personally I've received 2 tickets where the officer's
and my watches simply disagreed on the exact minute of the hour. Both times
the judge tossed them out due to the closeness to the hour and the variances
between our watches (mine matched the clock of the bank across the street)
but what a total waste of my and the officers valuable time.
I agree that most officers are out there to "serve and protect" but there's
a lot of bureaucratic BS that they have to deal with from their higher-ups.
Eric Linnhoff in KC
1998 Dodge Neon R/T
#69 DS #13 TLS
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who
approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but
downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined."
-Patrick Henry