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Peru DS: Sorry I had to bail.

Subject: Peru DS: Sorry I had to bail.
From: washburn <>
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2000 18:27:41 -0500
On Saturday night, I made a "tactical" decision to nurse my clutchless
bus home earlier rather than later.  It was important for me to be home
on Monday, and I did not want to risk a stranding on a busy Sunday
night.  (Coning all of my runs on Saturday made the decision a little
easier I might add.) :(  I checked to see that it did not affect anyone
due to trophy counts, but I didn't get a chance to say so'long.  Bill
Hughes was in the lead after Saturday...anyone got the final results?

BTW, I havn't seen any reports, so I will say that the event went
extremely smoothly while I was there.  I was absolutely amazed that 300
entrants were run through so efficiently.  A big congratulations to the
Kentucky region who staffed it.  We were done about 4:40 or 5:00 on
Saturday if I remember correctly.   FAST, fast course.  What was a
fairly simple course was loads of fun!  A course does not have to be
complex and tricky to be fun!!!  All those who rushed to judgment of the
course based on a tiny map put on the website should do a follow up with
their impressions after having driven it.  Anyway, thanks to Steve, DG,
and everyone else who stuck their head under a greasy school bus in an
effort to help me out.  At least I got a lot of rev-matching practice
while I clutchlessly-shifted my merry way home.

Pat (2000 AX budget quickly going into negative numbers..sigh) Washburn

P.S. Cone #410 sucks.

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