Rick Brown wrote:
...>>For every one in team.net that might agree with Jon's
opinion of law enforcement, there are hundreds of us who have a different
Actually I think one of the essential points of web mailing lists is that
everyone's opinion is different and equally relavent//irrelevant.
I am disappointed that Jon Goodale took one person's opinion so to heart
that he chose not to continue participation in our on-line community. Come
back, Jon! Our community is richer with your participation!
The ethics and drama of mailing lists is fascinating. People say things
on-line that they would never say to your face or even out-loud behind your
back :-) Yet there is a group sense of right and wrong. Sometimes someone
steps over the line and is ostracized by the majority.
While things written on the list may piss me off, and while I am sure my
opinions offend others at times, I still value my particpation.