On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 14:45:16 -0700, Rick Brown wrote:
> One of the things that really bothers me about all this (targeting sports
> cars out of a group), is that "us" are probably much better/safer drivers
> than "them". I'd bet experienced autocrossers are probably the top 1% of
> skilled drivers on the street. I know I've avoided several accidents
I agree with this but at the same time try not to think or talk about it
because the second I think it and tell people I am a much better than
average driver and pat myself on the back, I know I'll do something stupid.
I just don't want to get overconfident in my abilities.
> close my eyes and crash. I tend to be over the speed limit most of the
> time, but always well within my skills and my **car's abilities** and
based on
> the surrounding conditions. Always thought it would be nice if there
Now there is something that is true about most, if not all, of us. I bet
that if nothing else, our cars tend to be in much better mechanical shape
than the average joe's car on the road. I have respect for high(er) speeds
even in my car which has high quality (performance) tires, brakes, and
suspension. It just kills me when I see some total beater (or unstable or
very large vehicle) flying along at 80+ down the highway. If someone slower
changes lanes in front of them, I just think, "There ain't no way that that
car will be able to avoid a collision by braking or swerving in that thing."
I guess that's just some evolution at work there. Problem is, they may take
someone innocent with them.
> different grades of driver's licenses and your speed limit and lanes you
> could use were based on the license. I know, not practical, but one can
> dream.............
Ah, yes we can...
Mike Lamfalusi
'97 VW Jetta GLX
GS - Chicago Region
Say Bye to Slow Internet!