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Re: the whole NT/ Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject: Re: the whole NT/ Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 22:41:05 EDT
In a message dated 6/23/00 6:29:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< There's a difference between ambition and competitive level. One has to
 precede the other, but they are not the same. My main point in the
 original post which you might have missed in all the traffic here is
 that if you're not at some sort of reasonable competitive level, don't
 go clog up the day at an NT event. It doesn't mean you shouldn't ever be
 there, or should not even want to be. It means that if you have the
 ambition to be at that level, then get there. Run regionals. When you're
 winning regionals, or at least in the hunt among stiff competition, then
 try divisionals. If you're not looking like a toad there, then sign up
 for a National Tour and go for it. 

Come on dude!!!!!!!!! The first SoloII I ever ran was in a rented shifter 
kart at a National Tour in Topeka Kansas(1997) and I was 11th out 15. My wife 
bought that weekend for me as a late birthday present. Three weeks later I 
bought a Formula Ford and started driving in C-Mod. Who says you have to run 
local events for XXXX number of years before you go to the Tours or Nats???? 
I say thats all a bunch of BS. If you want to have the "Learning Curve" come 
up quick, theres no better way than going to the "Big ones".  For any new 
guys out there on the list don't worry about it. Just show up and drive. 
There will be lots of people who will be willing to answer all of your 
questions(Just don't ask me????)

Mike(The events are just bigger and more structured, and a "Shitload" of 
fun)B. 99cm

I still haven't won a "Regional", Who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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