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RE: The List - Spacers

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: The List - Spacers
From: "Hollis, Andy" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 11:29:13 -0500
No, wait, stop.  What I described is the way the rule *used to be*.  There
was a specific exclusion of spacers and a specific allowance of 1/4" offset
variance on the wheels only.  None of this applies anymore.  The rules have
changed.  I was just giving the history lesson on how those rules got to
where they are today.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Linnhoff, Eric []
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 11:25 AM
To: 'Hollis, Andy'; ''
Subject: RE: The List - Spacers

>My vote goes to the person who convinced the SEB that stock cars
>should be allowed to use 1/4" spacers. Sheesh.
So, if you have a rule around that allows for 1/4" offset variance, and if
you run a car with an oddsize offset where you can't find light alloy wheels
that are made in the offset you desire, what do you do?  Well, you "make"
your own wheels by welding a set of spacers to some wheels that are of the
correct diamter and width, but have the wrong offset.  Presto!  Now you have
the correct wheels and are legal...maybe...but not according to a Protest
Committee at Nats that tossed a guy (memory is foggy on who) for doing
exactly this.  
Wait a ding-dang minute here.  You can run "any" wheel (per section 13.4) as
long as the width and diameter are the same dimensions as the factory
offerings and they're within  1/4" offset of the factory wheels, and you can
run any spacer to meet these offset requirements (again, per13.4 wording)
BUT you can't weld said spacers to the "free" wheels themselves?  And some
dimwit Protest committee actually upheld the protest?  I would dare them to
find anything that would support such a decision in the rule book.

Once again, a total contradiction in Solo rules interpretation.

Eric (jumping to conclusions for my daily exercise ;^) Linnhoff in KC
1998 Dodge Neon R/T
#69 DS    #13 TLS

"Hey, well I'm the friendly stranger
In the black sedan
Oh won't you hop inside my car?
I got pictures, got candy, I am a lovable man
I'd like to take you to the nearest star
I'm your vehicle baby................."
"Vehicle" by The Ides Of March

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