> Someone told me that with just a roll bar I
> could call it an ITA road racer and run autox CSP.
> Any truth to that? I tried to get an IT Specs book
> from club HQ, but they were out. Don't like the
> upper weight of a roll bar, but my junker running in
> FP is simply ludicrous. ;)
I was going to recommend just this. You need a cage,
though...not just a bar. You'll also need a cut off switch,
fire supression and few other things, and your tires can't
stick out of the fenders. Basically you have to build an
IT car. Now, at the regional level, the cage should be
all you need to run CSP unless you show up with a cage,
slicks, and a 4th gen engine in it.
Your junker is in FP because you put it there....buy some
carpet at Wal Mart for $5 a roll and throw the seats in
and I doubt anyone would think of protesting you. It's
no more ludicrous than my 93 Turbo MR2 running in ASP
because I put a cone air filter on it.....but MR2s in ASP is
another issue entirely. My 5th EVER autox was against
Phil Curran in his BSP monster Corvette (32 years of
development and still counting)....talk
about taking a beating.....
David Hawkins
dead CSP MR2
tire deprived EM MR2
LSD deprived EM Cressida