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RE: How to lose your job in less than 60 seconds...

To: <>
Subject: RE: How to lose your job in less than 60 seconds...
From: "Bill Fuhrmann" <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 06:03:21 -0500
> I also heard the comment in the 500 yesterday, but don't feel it
> was a sexist
> remark.  It would have been the same it the two "Unsers" in the race had
> crashed into one another.  He would have said, "There are two

Exactly.  Too many people want to always read victimization into everything.

At the time Target was new to Indy, I had a friend who was in their
marketing department.  He remarked that early in the race, their car and the
K Mart car would collide and be the butt of bad jokes.

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