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Re: Shotz's WS-6 Prep Level (was RE: Uh oh, M3s in ESP)

Subject: Re: Shotz's WS-6 Prep Level (was RE: Uh oh, M3s in ESP)
From: Todd Green <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 03:52:53 -0600
>If the factory made the best ones. Or perhaps the difference still 
>wouldn't be worth much or at least not 2 seconds. But again, you'd have 
>to ask Dave.

People don't buy top of the line custom shocks because they gain you a
tenth.  Going from a stock suspension to a properly tuned race
suspension is probably the single largest time gain you can make after
adding R-compound tires, at least our on cars.

>ESP. I have suggested the idea of creating a new class between 
>ASP/BSP/CSP performance levels and DSP/ESP/FSP performance levels.

We don't need another "I" class, IMHO.

>It has been suggested that by taking the rear seat out of an M3 and it 
>looks a lot like a Z car.

If you leave the car alone it looks a lot like a Mustang or Camaro ;)
(Well at least as much as it would look like a Z car if you modified

>are excellent drivers, yet I don't see any of the three walking away (the 
>typical 2 second victory by the ESP classed M3) with the class.

And just where are these mythical "typical" 2 second victory events?  I
can't find a one where he won by 2 seconds.

Bob's average margin of victory this year has been 1.307 seconds.  It
has been 1.666 seconds against non M3's (See my other post for an
explanation as to why that margin is what it is.)

I know, I know, you must be "mistaken" yet again.


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