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RE: Don't Open Atch: Re: C:\CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe

To: <>
Subject: RE: Don't Open Atch: Re: C:\CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe
From: "Bill Fuhrmann" <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 13:41:45 -0500
> Attention: Don't open any attachments to Pretty Park.  It will/could
> mess up your computer.  Last February Pretty Park was forwarded to me by
> my stock broker, I had no reason not to open the attachment.  My

It is best NOT to even consider opening an attachment unless it is from
someone you trust who is very specifically indicating why they are sending
it.  No low life will send you a message saying "here is a shot of your car
at kjhgjgj last weekend".  About all they can do to fool people is to give
it a generic description like "look at this great picture".

"Trust" is important.  I know a number of people who are thrilled with
e-mail and forward just about anything they get to everyone they know.  I
wouldn't bet on much that comes from them to be virus free, and generally
throw it out unopened.

Yes Phil, I know I sent you just the photo last month with no description.
That was for effect with a non-generic subject and I hope that you feel you
can trust me to be guarding against virus infections.

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