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thrust calculations based on tire size

Subject: thrust calculations based on tire size
From: Bradley Lamont <>
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 15:09:04 -0500
Hey all -

I am debating what tires to purchase for my Eclipse.  Currently, I have 
245/45R17 Kuhmos on the car.  I was planning on just getting the same 
tires, but I decided to compare the acceleration provided by the g-Force 
tires since they are offered in a smaller size of 235/40R17.

What I found is that the smaller tire offered by BFG offers a pretty 
significant advantage in acceleration of about 5%.  This would seem to be 
enough to justify getting the g-Forces.

So here are my calculations:

(1) using dyno measured torque at wheels
        peak torque = 190 ft-lbs @ 3000 RPMs
(2) using 1st gear
        torque @ wheels = peak torque * 1st gear ratio * final ratio
                        = 190 * 3.083 * 3.8
                        = 2226 ft-lbs
(3) disregarding tire deformation since it should be similar on both tires

Kuhmos (245/45R17):

diameter = ((width * series) * 2) / 25.4 mm/in) + wheel size
          = ((245 * .45 * 2) / 25.4) + 17
          = 25.68 in
radius = dia / 2
        = 12.84 in
        = 1.07 ft
thrust = torque / radius
        = 2226 / 1.07
        = 2080 lbs

BFG g-Force (235/40R17):

diameter = 24.40 in
radius = 1.017 ft
thrust = 2189 lbs

Thrust difference = (2080 - 2189) / 2080 = 5.2 %

So are my calculations correct?

Bradley Lamont

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