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Peru Questions from Randy

Subject: Peru Questions from Randy
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 11:52:41 EDT

Yea, the CENDIV CM guys came out in force.  6 at one Pro is a good
turnout for them.  Gary drove extremely well to win the class, and just
as well to win the challenge.

Re: John Engstrom.  Two things...  He hit a cone and tore off an endplate
from his front spoiler Sat PM.  While he intended originally to do a quick
fix and run sunday, he also discovered a front caliper leaking fluid, and 
did not have the proper seal to make the repair.  Rather than risk the car,
he chose not to run Sunday.  His class lead was not in jeopardy, but of
course that also left him out of the challenge.

Re:  Scott Hall.  Scott is an old motorcycle roadracer, with mended injuries
that sometimes cause him incredible physical discomfort.  The cold, damp
weather Saturday brought out a particularly bad session of that.  He could
hardly even stand up.  It's time to take the titanium screws out of his knees,
he says.  Anyway, he just did not feel well enough to drive after working
on course, and went home to Louisville.  If it had been his kart, he knows
he could have driven mine, like he did at Meridian.

Alan Sheidler

Subject: Re: Peru Results are up

Lots more Mod cars, including your Open Challenge winner. What happened
to Engstrom on Sunday? F125 was bumped in AM? Did Scott hall break his

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